
Trust, Innovation & Quality

Pac-Chem is dedicated to delivering the highest-quality products to our customers. We believe that quality is the foundation to our success and we strive to exceed customer expectation through rigorous quality control processes and ongoing improvements to our products. We work with trusted suppliers who share our commitment to quality and sustainability, and we carefully select the materials and components used in our products to ensure their durability, reliability, and safety. Our team is trained to uphold the highest standards of quality in all of our operations. We stand behind the quality of our products and are committed to providing exceptional customer service and support to ensure your satisfaction.

Quality Standards & Compliances

ISO 9001

ISO 9001:2015

Our certification demonstrates our commitment to consistently meeting customer and regulatory requirements , and to continuously improving our processes. We strive to provide high-quality products and services, and our ISO 9001:2015 certification assures our customers of our dedication to quality.

Food Safety

Food Safety Compliant

We take pride in offering food packaging products that meet stringent food safety and quality compliance standards. To guarantee the utmost integrity, we offer the option of sending our products to external accredited laboratories for comprehensive testing, including FDA compliance and migration testing. We prioritize transparency, giving our customers the assurance that our products meet the highest standards of safety and quality.

ROHS Compliant

ROHS Compliant

Pac-Chem is committed to sustainability and strive to offer products that are environmentally responsible. We are proud to say that our products RoHS compliant, meeting the strict guidelines set forth by the Restriction of Hazardous Substances (RoHS) directive. By choosing our products you can feel confident that you are making environmentally responsible choice.

EU Reach

REACH Compliant

We are committed to supporting the EU directive on REACH compliance. We work with manufacturers who share our commitment to safety and sustainability, and who comply with the requirements of the REACH regulation. By prioritizing REACH Compliance in our supply chain, we ensure that the products we offer are safe and environmentally responsible.

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