Air-Bubble Bag

Air-Bubble Bag made from LDPE (Low-Density Polyethylene) are packaging materials designed for protective cushioning during shipping and storage.

  • 10mm & 27mm Bubble Ø
  • 2 or 3-Layer Structure
  • Cushioning & Impact Resistance
  • Cost Effective
  • Available in bag, sheet and roll forms

LDPE (Low-Density Polyethylene) air bubble bags are known for its flexibility, durability, and lightweight nature. The primary feature of LDPE air bubble bags is the inclusion of air-filled bubbles within the plastic sheet, creating a cushioning layer that provides excellent protection for fragile or sensitive items.

Versatility: LDPE air bubble bags are versatile and can be customized to fit various shapes and sizes. They are available in different forms, such as pouches, sleeves, or sheets, making them suitable for a wide range of products.

Cushioning: The air-filled bubbles act as a protective layer, absorbing shocks and impacts during handling, shipping, and storage. This helps to prevent scratches, dents, and breakage of fragile items.

Lightweight: LDPE is a lightweight material, adding minimal weight to the overall package while providing effective protection.

Insulation Properties: The air-filled bubbles also provide a degree of insulation, protecting items from temperature variations and potential moisture damage.

Reusable and Recyclable: LDPE is recyclable, and some types of bubble bag can be reused. This aligns with sustainability goals and reduces the environmental impact of packaging waste.


General Properties

  • Nominal Bubble Diameter: 10mm (+/- 10%) or 27mm (+/-10%)
  • Nominal Bubble Height: 3.5mm (+/- 10%)
  • Bubble Type: 2 layers or 3 layers
  • Creep (Thickness Loss): 20% Maximum air loss, 0.1 PSI, 72 hours
  • Contact Corrosivity: No corrosion, etching
  • 100% Recyclable


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